Jeevan Mantras

January 1, 2025

Live A Healthy And Fit Lifestyle

Chandan Kumar

Health is like money. We never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. Good health helps a person to live one’s life to its fullest potential without being physically or mentally unfit. Unhealthy lifestyle results in deterioration of one’s wellbeing. Staying healthy and fit is very important for each generation. Exercising and eating healthy are the best ways to retain your health both physically and mentally.

Among the most crucial reasons for decline in health today is the lack of proper amount of vitamins and minerals. Improper intake of vegetables, fruits and dairy products leads to absence of minerals and vitamins in our body. Lack of minerals and vitamins lead to all kinds of diseases as nutrients are essentially required to build and repair the blood, tissues, muscles and also bones.

Being healthy and fit allows you to stay active and further increases your confidence and concentration power. By staying healthy and fit, one can set an example for others and slowly help others increase their health, nutrition, knowledge, and consumption of sustainably produced foods.

Major reasons that lead to the deterioration of health are as follows:

  1. Daily stress – Students often feel stressed about school work, and exams. Professionals are also prone to stress with regard to their life and work. Such conditions lead to imbalanced mental health.
  2. Depression – Prolonged stress about something leads to depression and becomes a health issue.
  3. Intake of harmful substances like alcohol, preserved foods, etc, adversely affect the physical and mental health and fitness.
  4. Lack of sleep – People tend to work late at night, constantly use their phones, etc and also foregot their destined sleep cycle. As suggested by medical experts, a defined time of sleep is mandatory for each individual. Lack of sleep results in an unfit lifestyle.
  5. Junk foods – Intake of junk foods has replaced the proper nutritional diet that one should consume. Therefore unhealthy food habits directly create unhealthy wellbeing.

Maintaining healthy and fit regime requires simple efforts, a few of which are listed below:

  1. Regular routine of exercise is highly beneficial for our health

It helps us in controlling weight, helps in boosting the immune system, and directly increases our stamina and energy levels. Basic metabolic rate increases if a person exercises. Though these days sparing time for exercise has become difficult for people as this is not being taken on priority, in order to still maintain the balance, each individual should walk or use cycle instead of driving at reasonable distance, walk while on call and compensate the available time with the benefits of exercising.

  1. Yoga

Yoga is another activity that lays great emphasis on both mental and physical wellbeing of humans. Yoga is an effective method for improving health and acts as a preventive measure against diseases. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression, etc. which are the core natural and mental factors that disturb health.

  1. Eating balanced nutritional diet

It is also directly benefits one’s lifestyle. Eating fruits and vegetables help people to maintain adequate levels of calorie, reduce the risk of disease, maintain the balance of essential minerals and vitamins, etc.

  1. Hygiene and sanitation

Both are also major factors that affect the health of a person. Sitting at a place that is not properly clean can instantly make a person unwell and lead to various diseases. Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from many illnesses.

Health and fitness is determined by what we eat, how we live our lives, our choice of leisure pursuits and what we do to keep ourselves physically fit. Keeping fit is about how we choose to live our lives as individuals and the levels of fitness we aspire to. Maintain your health and fitness to keep your body look and feel good.

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